Little PALs Preschool
Located inside of Southard School, Little PALs Preschool provides a full day of play and enrichment by combining safety and security with quality staff, enriching education and age appropriate activities.
PAL works cooperatively with the Howell Township School District to incorporate approved methods and programs for the benefit of your children and to ease the transition from preschool to kindergarten.
The Little PALS Preschool fully prepares students for the next step in their educational process by utilizing Tools of The Mind, a cognitive and social-emotional self-regulation curriculum, which the Howell Township School District also follows.
For more information and pricing, please contact the Howell PAL Main Office.

Take a Look At What Little PALs Preschool is All About!
Pre-K Teachers
Mrs. Bonnie
Preschool Teachers
Ms. Catherine
Transition Teachers
Mrs. B
Infant Teachers
Mrs. Dana
Toddler Teachers
Ms. Fanta
Ms. G’mara
Preschool Coordinator: Ms. Diane
Preschool Director: Suzanne Gabriel
Preschool Resource Director: Jill Flanagan
You can go to howellpal.org and hover over “school programs”. You will see “Little PALs Preschool,” click on that and it will walk you through the process.
Unfortunately, we do not give credits for missed days or vacations.
A full day is up to 8 hours and an extended day is anything over 8 hours.
We will need a completed universal health record and an updated vaccine list at least a week before your child starts.
You can find the school closure dates in our parent handbook, which is located under “Important Documents” on the website. Also, the teachers will post school closings on their band app. We will also post on our social media pages.